Bouquet for an allergic person

Bouquet for an allergic person
Views count 1932
Date 19-04-2022 15:29
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It is impossible to imagine any event or holiday without flowers or floral decorations. But there are types of flowers that can spoil the festive mood. These are the flowers that cause allergic reactions.

Today we will talk about the colors that can cause such problems, and we will also offer replacement options so that the holiday is really intense.

First, let's figure out how a flower causes allergies.

Pollen of a flower, falling into the recipients on the respiratory tract, causes a reaction accompanied by some phenomenon that speaks of allergies. Because of this, the amount of serotonin and histamine in the blood may increase.

And what are the symptoms of allergies։

  • The appearance of tears
  • Dry cough
  • Sneezing
  • Rhinitis
  • Redness of the eyes
  • Itching.

Choosing a bouquet for allergy sufferers is a difficult task, but not unsolvable. First, when choosing a flower, you need to clarify which flower causes such a reaction, and if there is no such possibility, then try to choose options with a weaker aroma. And if the flower does not have an absolute fragrance, then it will be an ideal choice.

What flowers are suitable for such occasions:

  • Orchids
  • Carnation
  • Tulips
  • Petunius
  • Daffodils, etc.

Do not forget about flower decorations, as they are also capable of creating similar situations.

What flowers should not be given to allergy sufferers?

  • Lilies
  • Wild flowers
  • Roses
  • Syringa, etc.

In choosing any gift, and especially in the case of flowers, the choice should be thoughtful and appropriate. Pay attention to every detail, as each of them is able to create a mood around the recipient in its own way.

With love, Flowers Home.