Flowers for the teacher on the occasion of Knowledge Day

Flowers for the teacher on the occasion of Knowledge Day
Views count 1297
Date 31-08-2022 16:19
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Let's remember that the day of knowledge is a holiday not only for children but also for teachers.

It is the bouquets of schoolchildren that create the festive atmosphere, behind which the excitement of the new school year is hidden.

Why give flowers to teachers on September 1?

This is a tradition that dates back to the 19th century. In that period, teachers were given books, sweets, and in some cases (in villages) even fruits.

Flowers came into use only in the 80s of the 20th century, when an official holiday, the Day of Knowledge, appeared, and along with it, traditions began to form, one of which is giving flowers to teachers.

Flowers for the teacher

What Flowers to Give to the Teacher on September 1?

It may surprise you, but even in such a seemingly simple matter, there are certain rules.
To decide on a gift, you need to know things like the person's age, experience, marital status, and other such details.

Note that there are meanings for each flower. Certain types of plants mean very specific feelings: love, tenderness, etc.
And what is appropriate in the relationship of lovers is not appropriate for a gift from a student to a teacher.

The second advice is purely practical. Many parents go overboard in their desire to impress the teacher.
For the September 1st teacher, making the bouquet heavy and big is, first of all, a problem for the child, who will find it difficult to carry and present the bouquet on his own.

Another issue is the decorations that complete and decorate the bouquet.
If there are more decorations than flowers, it will look vulgar and out of place.

Be extremely careful with exotic flowers. It is better to avoid them altogether.
It is accepted that a young teacher's bouquet should be small and delicate.
For them you can choose:

And the flowers of a teacher with a lot of experience should be full of colors, like autumn. The bouquet itself should be strict and elegant.
You can choose:

If you want to stand out, look for options that include school supplies or fall-specific fruits when choosing a decoration.

And don't forget that the most anxious is the child going to school for the first time. Therefore, think about your child first, not how to impress the teacher.

The best option is to choose the bouquet together with the child.
That way the choice will be the best.

With love, Flowers Home.