About tulips

About tulips
Views count 4407
Date 11-03-2022 13:35
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Tulips are one of the most beloved characters of the spring film. That's why we decided to dedicate our new blog to this beautiful creature.

Initially, wild tulips grew in the Mediterranean Sea, the Caucasus and Central Asia. Noticing the beauty of this flower, from the XI century they began to be grown in Persia and other surrounding areas. The Persians called this flower "the personification of earthly love." The plants came to Western Europe in 1559, after which they actively spread around the world.

Currently, about 4,000 species of tulips are known, and among them there are varieties whose diameter reaches 20 cm.

And now some interesting facts about tulips.

  • In the first years of its spread in Europe, the flower became a new symbol of high class and wealth.
  • At the beginning of the XVII century, the Netherlands experienced the "tulip fever", during which the cost of a number of varieties of tulips exceeded all limits of probability.
  • The tulip is mentioned in the work of Omar Khayyam, written in the 12th century. And Hafiz, a Persian poet of the XIV century, claimed that a flower surpasses even a rose in beauty.
  • The first attempts to grow a black tulip were made in 1637 in Holland, and the person who carried out this process was promised 100,000 gold coins as a prize.
  • During the Second World War, many residents of the Netherlands escaped from hunger by eating tulip bulbs.
  • In many Muslim countries, the tulip is considered a sacred flower.

Cheerful delicate tulips are symbols of spring, warmth and rebirth. They will be a wonderful decoration for any holiday. And in our catalog you will find a large assortment of beautiful bouquets and compositions resulting from the fusion of colorful tulips and subtle ideas of our florists.